Selected work by Susan Griffin published in anthologies over the last 10 years.

For a more complete list, contact Susan

To Love the Marigold in The Impossible Will Take a Little While, ed.Paul Loeb

Poems from the Women’s Movement, ed. Honor Moore, American Poets Project, The Library of America

Cares a la Finestra
20 dones poetes de parla anglesa del segle XX, ed. Monserrat Abelló, Galàxia Gutenberg

RD Laing 50 Years Since the Divided Self, ed. Theodor Itten and Coutenay Young, PCCS Books

Single Women of a Certain Age, ed. Jane Ganahl, Inner Ocean Publishing

Eye of My Heart, ed. Barbara Graham, Harper

The Biosphere and the Bioregion, Essential Writings of Peter Berg, ed. Cheryll Glotfelty and Eve Quensel Routledge

Stop the Next War Now, ed. Medea Benjamin and Jodie Evans, Inner Ocean Publishing

The Grand Permission, New Writings on the Poetics of Motherhood, Wesleyan

Give More Than You Take, ed. Jeffrey Grove, Olga Viso, Bill Arning and Jim Hodges, Dallas Museum of Art/ Walker Art Center

Transforming a Rape Culture, ed. Emilie Buchwald, Pamela Fletcher, Martha Roth

Rape: the All American Crime in Applications of Feminist  Legal Theory to Women’s Lives, Sex Violence, Work and Reproduction, ed. D. Kelly Weisberg, Temple Univerisity Press