This is Susan Griffin, Hear Her Roar

In an interview with Janine Canty, the pioneering ecofeminist and Woman and Nature author discusses her book and today's discriminatory climate.

Sure, these days are all about leaning in and moms running billion-dollar companies. But misogynistic attitudes and discriminatory behavior continue to run wild. And it’s not just women who are getting trampled.
With tragedies like the events in Ferguson and the urgent #blacklivesmatter movement, it’s clear that though we’ve made improvements, we’re still worlds away from complete equality.

Women's Liberation protest. Credit: W. Breeze / Evening Standard / Getty Images
Women’s Liberation protest. Credit: W. Breeze / Evening Standard / Getty Images

And no one understands this better than Susan Griffin, author of Woman and Nature, a provocative must-read in any feminist’s literary canon. The book explores how the destruction of the earth and the denigration of nature are not only connected but inseparable, and it uses history, Freudian psychology, and a love of the earth we share to weave powerful prose. Lucky for us, the book, which was written in 1979 during the height of the feminist movement, just became available in digital format (on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iTunes).

Even luckier, we got our hands on an interview with Griffin conducted by Jeanine Canty, a professor of environmental studies at Naropa University, about Griffin’s book, how we’re still struggling with discrimination against women and African Americans, and how dilemma often turns out to be one of life’s greatest gifts.

So lean in, you’re going to want to hear this. Read Interview